Opo Squash: Origin, Nutrition Facts, Benefits And Uses

Opo squash, or Sandoricum koetjape, is a hidden gem in gardens and kitchens worldwide. This lengthy, light green vegetable isn’t just a delight to grow; it’s a culinary star across various cuisines. Its mild, subtly sweet taste makes it perfect for everything from soups and stews to stir-fries and salads. Particularly popular in Asian dishes, opo squash blends beautifully with spices in Indian curries and adds a refreshing touch to Filipino recipes. 

Besides its versatility in cooking, it’s a hit with health enthusiasts too, thanks to its low calories and rich nutrient profile, including essential vitamins and minerals. Growing opo squash can be quite the adventure, offering bountiful harvests that invite gardeners to explore new culinary possibilities. It’s a plant that not only enriches your garden but also brings a world of flavors to your table, making it a worthy addition to any gardener’s repertoire.

Nutritional Profile and Health Benefits

Opo squash is like a treasure chest of goodness when it comes to nutrition. This squash is packed with vitamins and minerals that our bodies love. For starters, it’s a great source of vitamin C, which is not just good for the immune system but also keeps your skin glowing. Then there’s the fiber content. Eating opo squash can help keep your digestive system running smoothly, making it a friend to anyone looking to maintain a healthy gut.

Opo squash also brings a good dose of vitamin B to the table, essential for energy levels and brain function. And let’s talk about the minerals – it’s got calcium for strong bones, magnesium for heart health, and iron to keep your energy up. Plus, it’s super low in calories, making it a fantastic choice for anyone keeping an eye on their weight.

Incorporating opo squash into your diet can have some pretty impressive health benefits. From helping to manage blood sugar levels to reducing inflammation and even boosting heart health, it’s a vegetable that’s as good for you as it is tasty. So next time you’re in the garden or at the market, don’t overlook this humble squash. It’s a nutritional powerhouse that deserves a spot on your plate.

History of Opo Squash

Opo squash is native to Southeast Asia and has been relied upon as a source of nutrition for centuries. It’s believed to have originated in the Philippines and spread throughout the region over time. The name “Opo” comes from the Tagalog word for “round,” which aptly describes the squash’s shape. As it gained popularity in Southeast Asia, the vegetable spread to other parts of the world, including Europe and North America. Today, Opo squash is widely available in grocery stores across America.

Culinary Journey with Opo Squash

Opo squash is a bit of a culinary chameleon, fitting into a variety of dishes with ease. Let’s start with soup. A simple opo squash soup can be a bowl of comfort on a chilly evening. Just simmer it with some broth, a touch of cream, and your favorite herbs for a light yet satisfying meal.

  • Stir-fry is an option. Chop it up, toss it in a hot pan with some oil, garlic, and whatever veggies you have on hand, and you’ve got a quick, nutritious side dish. It’s particularly good with a splash of soy sauce and a sprinkle of sesame seeds.
  • Boil or steam it and then mash it for a side dish, similar to mashed potatoes.
  • Roast it in the oven with a drizzle of olive oil and your favorite seasonings for a simple yet delicious preparation.
  • Make it into soup by simmering it with broth, herbs, and spices until tender.
  • Stuff it with a filling of your choice, bake, and enjoy a hearty dish.

Curries: Another fantastic way to enjoy opo squash is curries. Its mild flavor absorbs all the rich spices, making it a staple in many Indian kitchens. It pairs beautifully with coconut milk, adding a creamy texture to the curry.

And let’s not forget about Filipino cuisine, where opo squash is often cooked with shrimp or pork in a delicious, tomato-based stew. Each cuisine brings out a different side of opo squash, showcasing its versatility. Whether you’re in the mood for something light and brothy or rich and creamy, opo squash has got you covered.

Growing Opo Squash

Growing opo squash is a rewarding journey that starts with a few simple steps. First off, these squash love the sun, so pick a spot in your garden that gets plenty of light.

Soil: They’re not too picky about soil, but they do best in well-draining earth that’s rich in organic matter. A bit of compost worked into the soil before planting can do wonders.

Planting: When it comes to planting, you can start seeds indoors a few weeks before the last frost date, or sow them directly into the ground when the soil has warmed up. Plant the seeds about an inch deep, giving them room to spread out, as opo squash vines can get quite long.

Watering: Watering is key. Keep the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged. As the plants grow, you might find that a trellis helps support their weight and keeps the fruits off the ground, preventing rot.

Climate: Opo squash isn’t too fussy about the climate, thriving in warmth. If you’re in a cooler area, just make sure they get full sun and consider starting seeds indoors to give them a head start.

Growing opo squash in different zones

Growing opo squash across different zones in the US can be quite an adventure, given the country’s diverse climate range. In warmer zones (9-11), opo squash can be planted directly outdoors after the last frost, enjoying the long growing season these areas offer. 

Gardeners in these regions can expect an abundant harvest, as the warm temperatures and extended sunlight hours are perfect for opo squash. In the cooler zones (up to 8), the key is to start seeds indoors about 4-6 weeks before the last expected frost date. This gives the plants a head start, ensuring they have enough time to mature and produce fruit before the cooler weather sets in. 

Regardless of the zone, ensuring your opo squash gets full sun and regular watering will set you on the path to a successful harvest. Mulching can also help retain soil moisture and keep the roots cool, especially important in the hotter zones. 

Harvesting and Using Opo Squash

Harvesting opo squash at just the right time is key to enjoying its best flavor. You’ll know it’s time when the squash feels firm and the skin gets a bit harder, usually when they’re about a foot long. This is when they’re most tender and sweet. Just cut the squash from the vine with a sharp knife or scissors, leaving a bit of the stem attached to keep them fresh longer.

Now, about those seeds and skin – yes, you can eat opo squash seeds, especially when the squash is young and the seeds are soft. They can be roasted for a crunchy snack or added to soups for extra texture. As for the skin, it’s entirely edible too, especially when the squash is young. The skin adds a nice bit of texture to dishes, so there’s no need to peel it unless you really want to.

Using opo squash in your cooking is a breeze. Its mild, slightly sweet flavor makes it versatile enough for both savory and sweet dishes. From stir-fries and soups to stews and even desserts, opo squash can do it all. So next time you have a garden full of opo squash, remember, there’s more to it than just the flesh – the seeds and skin are part of the package too!

Understanding Opo Squash

Opo squash, or upo, has a wonderfully mild and slightly sweet flavor, making it a favorite in many dishes. It’s like a blank canvas in the kitchen, absorbing the flavors of whatever it’s cooked with. This squash is perfect for those who prefer their veggies not to overpower the dish but to complement the other ingredients beautifully.

For folks keeping an eye on their carb intake, opo squash is a great choice. It’s low in carbs, with only a few grams per serving, making it ideal for low-carb diets or anyone looking to eat a bit lighter. Plus, its high water content means it’s super hydrating and filling without a lot of calories.

Whether you’re whipping up a stir-fry, a soup, or just roasting it with some herbs, opo squash brings a subtle, sweet touch to your meals. It’s a versatile veggie that fits nicely into a healthy, balanced diet, offering both flavor and nutritional benefits without the carb load.

Opo Squash Harvested


Diving into the world of opo squash has been such a delightful journey, and I hope you’re feeling inspired to bring this versatile veggie into your kitchen adventures. Its mild flavor and tender texture can transform any meal, from a simple stir-fry to a comforting soup. It’s not just about the taste; it’s about nourishing your body with healthy, wholesome food. 

I’m always amazed at how many different ways there are to enjoy opo squash, and I bet you’ve got some creative ideas up your sleeve too. So, why not share them? Whether you’ve got a family recipe that’s been passed down through generations or a new, experimental dish you’ve just thought up, I’d love to hear about it. Let’s keep the conversation going and continue to explore the endless possibilities that opo squash brings to our tables.


What is another name for opo squash?

Opo squash is also known as bottle gourd, long melon, or by its scientific name, Lagenaria siceraria. In different parts of the world, it might be called by other names, such as calabash, lauki, or dudhi.

Can you eat the skin of an opo squash?

Yes, you can eat the skin of opo squash, especially when it’s young and tender. The skin contains additional nutrients and fiber. As the squash matures, the skin may become tougher and less palatable, so you might choose to peel it off in those cases.

Mitch Baylis