Kai Apples (Dovyalis caffra): Description, Flavor, Benefits, And Uses

Kai apples are an exotic fruit native to South Africa. They are also known as the ‘miracle fruit’ because of their medicinal and nutritional benefits. The small, round fruits have a soft yellow flesh with a sweet-tart flavor that is juicy and refreshing when eaten raw. Kai apples can be used to make jams, jellies, and sauces and eaten fresh or dried. They are also great for juicing and smoothies. Here is all the information you need to know about this amazing fruit.

What is Kai Apples (Dovyalis caffra)? 

Kai Apples (Dovyalis caffra), also known as wild apricot or kei apple, are small yellow-orange fruit native to southern Africa. The fruit is believed to have originated in Swaziland and was spread throughout the region by early travellers. It has become an important crop in many African countries, including Kenya and Tanzania.

The tree on which Kai Apples grow is short and upright with oval leaves and white flowers. It produces clusters of fruits that resemble small citrus fruits but are slightly larger. Inside, the apples contain several seeds surrounded by a sweet pulp.

Kai Apples have several culinary uses ranging from fresh eating to cooked dishes. They can be added to salads or cooked with sugar and vanilla for a delicious jam or compote. The fruits can also be used in juices, jellies, pies, cakes, and more.

kai apple description

The History and Origin of Kai Apples (Dovyalis caffra)?

Kai Apples were first discovered in the tropical forests of East and West Africa, where they have been cultivated for centuries. The trees are believed to have originated in either Kenya or Tanzania and spread throughout Africa over time. Today, they are still mostly found in these two countries and often grow wild in their natural habitats.

This species of apple is particularly resilient to drought and other climatic conditions, which makes it ideal for cultivation in arid climates and areas with limited access to water resources. It has been noted that these apples can stay on the tree for extended periods without spoiling despite long dry spells.

Growing Conditions of Kai Apples (Dovyalis caffra) : 

Kai apples thrive best in areas with warm climates and lots of sunlight. The trees do not tolerate temperatures below 32°F (0°C), so protecting the tree from frost is important if grown in cooler regions. They prefer well-drained, fertile soil high in organic matter with a pH range of 6.0-7.5.

Cultivation of Kai Apples (Dovyalis caffra) : 

Kai apples can be grown in various climates with adequate drainage and sunlight. Kai apples require full to partial sun with temperatures around 75-80°F (24-27°C). When growing Kai apples, it is important to provide plenty of water for the tree. Waterlogging the soil should be avoided as this could lead to root rot or other diseases. The soil should also be slightly acidic, with a pH between 5.5 and 6.0.

Kai apple trees are generally slow growers compared to other fruit trees, taking anywhere from 3-9 years before reaching a mature height and producing fruit. Pruning is necessary for proper shape and branching structure, and fruit production. Prune young trees in the winter and remove any dead branches or suckers. Once the tree matures, it should only be pruned in early summer to avoid reducing flowering and fruit production.

When grown in ideal conditions, Kai apples can produce good yields of large sweet fruits with reddish-purple skin. Harvest time for Kai apples typically begins around late summer to fall, depending on the climate. Fruits can be stored for up to six months in cool temperatures if well cared for.

Health Benefits of Kai Apples (Dovyalis caffra) : 

Kai apples are high in antioxidants, vitamins A, C, E and K, minerals like calcium and iron, and dietary fiber. The fibre helps slow down sugar absorption, which can help regulate blood sugar levels. 

The antioxidant content may also protect against oxidative damage caused by free radicals, reducing the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease and cancer. In addition, kai apples contain plant compounds that can provide anti-inflammatory benefits and help improve gut health by promoting beneficial bacteria in the gut. 

Where are Kai Apples (Dovyalis caffra)Grown and Harvested?

Kai apples are native to southern and eastern Africa, particularly Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Swaziland and Malawi. They can also be found in South Africa, where they are grown commercially. The harvesting season for Kai Apples usually runs from February to May.

What is the flavor profile of the Kai Apples (Dovyalis caffra)?

The flavor profile of the Kai Apples (Dovyalis caffra) is tart and sweet, with a hint of sourness. The flesh has a crisp and juicy texture with a slightly fibrous feel. They have an intense aroma likened to citrus fruits or pineapple. They are sweet and creamy when cooked, making them perfect for pies, tarts and crumbles. They are also delicious eaten raw as a snack or in salads. Their versatility makes them ideal for many uses in the kitchen. 

Where can the best quality Kai Apples (Dovyalis caffra) be found?

Kai Apples (Dovyalis caffra) can be found in many parts of the world, including Africa, South America and India. However, for the highest quality Kai Apples, purchasing them directly from growers in Kenya or Tanzania is recommended. The climate in these countries produces a sweet-tasting variety that is hard to find elsewhere.

If you cannot buy directly from the grower, supermarkets and health food stores are good options as long as they carry certified organic produce. Many online stores also offer Kai Apples from trusted vendors at competitive prices. Whether you choose to purchase locally or online, consider seasonality when shopping for the best quality Kai Apples possible.

How do you store Kai Apples (Dovyalis caffra)?

Kai Apples should be stored in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Storing them in the refrigerator is best if they are eaten after a period of time. The apples can last up to several weeks if properly stored. To extend their shelf life even further, wrap each apple in wax paper and store them in the refrigerator’s crisper drawer. 

 Be sure to check on them periodically and discard any that have started to spoil or show signs of decay. Additionally, watch for any pests or mould growth that could harm your apples before you can consume them. 

How to use Kai Apples (Dovyalis caffra) in recipes?

Kai apples (Dovyalis caffra) are a great addition to many recipes. They have a sweet and tart flavor that can be used in savory and sweet dishes. In South Africa, where Kai Apples are native, they are often cooked with red meat or fish dishes. However, they can also be used in desserts or even as an ingredient in salads.

In savory dishes, the tangy flavor of Kai Apples pairs well with robust meats such as beef or lamb, adding sweetness and balance to rich flavors. The acidity also helps tenderize tougher cuts of meat. A simple stew could be made by lightly sautéing onions and garlic before adding cubed beef, diced carrots, celery, and Kai Apples. The stew can then be simmered until the meat is tender.

Kai Apples also make a great addition to fruit pies, crumbles, and tarts. They pair especially well with other sweet fruits like apples and pears, as their tart flavor helps balance the sweetness. A crumble could be made by combining diced Kai Apples with apples and pears before topping it with an oat-based topping. Baked in an oven until golden brown and bubbling on top, this dessert will surely please many a sweet tooth. 


Kai Apples are an interesting, tart fruit that can be used in various ways, including baking, salads, and smoothies. They pair well with other sweet fruits and make an excellent crumbling topping. So next time you’re at the store, consider picking up some Kai Apples to add a unique twist to your meals. You won’t regret it – they’re sure to please even the pickiest of sweet tooths!

Mitch Baylis